
Movie review----Tsunami:The aftermath

        The chilled beginning of the movie woke me up from my lethargy in the afternoon. The first scene is quite scared me,which the movie showed a amateur diver just came out from water and found a copse floating in the sea.She was shouting for help.At the same time. the cameral zoomed out,there was a ship in the middle of the sea.Surprisingly,there were many copses floating around the ship. The scene was very caring and horrifying. After, the cameral slowly move to a island which was "dead" and "cold". The diver was calling for her husband and daughter, but there is no answer...Tear was rolling down her face as the true story flashing back. What was that ?  TSUNAMI !!
       This is a documentary film. It's sad and cruel. Why do I say that? It's because...
       Firstly, the disaster took away many people's lives, and the rest of them who survived from the disaster were suffering in the pain of injury or lossing a loved one. I have also found the human being's strongest and softest part through the movie. For example,when there many evidence showed that his wife and daughter were dead, but he never give up to find them, he has a strong feeling inside that his daughter still alive, so he was keep searching.He was very strong and cerebral. The father was only one of the the main characters in the movie.The kind waiter was also one of them, he was kind and helpful.The movie also showed many people when they faced the disaster were strong and optimistic. It has impressed me a lot.
      Secondly, eventhough there were some rescue teams and government people arrived Phuket on time after the disaster, from the movie I could see that the aid was slow and there only a few people try to rescue in the first time. Tt shows there did not enough volunteers and rescue teams. The resource was limited as well. One of the significant moment in the moive was that many people were not dead in the tsunami, there were dead bacause not given immediate medical help. It's very very sad. It was also the most touchable part in the movie.
       Sum of all, when I think about these natural disasters happened aroud us, It's scaring and terrible. I am feeling bad when I see more and more people are dead in the unexpected disasters. The governments should  take it more seriously. Given more aid and rescue team in the very first time. As one of the family members in the global village, we should treat our only one earth well and protect it. Let's get away from the disaster!



Review <Whale Wars>

This video really happened in our life,  but it is performed by comic and funny caricature. The event can be considered as a "war", because it is about  the people against Janpanese whaling and try to stop them.
In the video, the editor is exaggerated describing Janpanese's image. In the first, they believed that the dolphins and whales were their enemy, in the result, they tried to kill as many as dolphins and whales as they can no matter the price they have to pay. After, they heard that chickens and cows are actually their enemy, so they started to kill chicken and cows.  It is really funy that they believe in what other people says, they never think the reality by themself.  In the video, the caucasian try to mock the Janpanese are ridiculous and stupid. Even though the video are short and exaggerated, but the reason why they kill the whales and dolphins is unrealistic and ridiculous. The whales and dophins are cute and innocent,  they shouldn't deserve it.

Review <The Cove>

The video <the cove> is a documentary which is about how Janpanese kill dolphines and whales and tried to hide from us. The video shows  a real painful story happened in Taiji Japan which the place is famous for killing and saling dolphins and whales. I was astonished by the way they abuse and the method they used to kill the whales and dolphines. It is immoral and very cruel.
I felt bad when they do this kind of thing but they did not feel any guilty and explained that it was their culture. Culture is something special and different than other region and race, we may not be have the same culture, but I can not find out what kind of culture are leading people to do something is immoral and evil. I think they were just trying to cheat people around the world and also the people who are living in the same country as them.
After go through the video, I got to know that they also set the dophins' meet as compulsury school meal which I can no understand. Because the scientific research indicated that the dolphin meat is poisonous. It's absolutely not good to our health, but the government still allowed to do so which is really bad.

In my opinion, even though the two videos are all about how ruthless Janpanes are, but when we think deeply why they keep killing dolphin if there is no demand. If the Janpanese should pay a price for killing dolphins and whales unlimited, I think they shouldn't pay all of them. The international market and the people need to take apart of the responsibility of it. It's because I believe that if there do not have deals,there will not have slaughter.

let's be friends with dolphins!


"Why do I need to study geography?" Personally, I do think it also simply means what do I know about geography.I keep asking myself this question after I did the very first geography lecture in JCU.

Honestly, I have never think about why I need to study geography before. I used to think geography is just one of the school sujects that we have to learn about. Since I got to know more about this subject,  I have found out the geography is a very interesting suject, and I started to love it! It's not because it is one of the compulsory courses I have to take, it is because geography has a profound effect in our life which other subjects may not have.

When I think about Geography there is five points that come to my mind  which is People, Animals
and Plants , Environent , Weather , Natural Resource and Natural Disaster. They may not be all about geography, but there are hundreds and thousands of words linked to these few words. It's just like doing a mind mapping that every single word are linked to each other.

Thinking about "people" there are some words link to  it which is habitat, language, culture, region, races and so on. When we study about "people" through the geography we can know more about the people from different countries, regions, we are belong to different races and have different culture. It's the good way to encourage the communication across cultures. It also promote the developement of a global village.
When we learn about "animals and plants"in geography, it helps us to understand more kinds of animals and plants which share the same living space with us. It's good to know about their habits and living environment as well, because we are all "family members" of this planet. It's cool to make friends with them, isn't it?  They also belong to the natural resource just like water, trees, air etc.. They are the most important part in our life which we can't live without.

There is a relastionship between the word"environment""weather"and"natural disaster" as well. We need know about our living place, being friendly with it, it is because it is direct related to our daily life. No doubt, the weather and natural disasters are two of the most important thing we have to learn about too. Nowadays the climate change directly cause global warming and bring a lot of natural disasters to our life. The disasters take away people's life and destroy the houses,city and even a country. Maybe some natrual disaster we can not control, but we can prevent. How can we do that ? I think basically is to learn about geography, just like learning about a person's temper and personality. If we know about our planet, I believe we can get together very well.
Geography may not teach us how to make money, communicate with
each other and protect ourself, but actually it does help.  learning geography is not only about these, it also help us to know how is the world changed when it just started and until now and the future. The geography is also like history to record changes.

I really don't know I have wrote so much about geography, anyway, they are all the reasons why I need to study about geography as well. To make it shorter, it is simply because geography is the root of our life, it does influence our life deeply!