
What can be done to manage the environment to meet the needs of development?

        The environment around us has became worse and worse since people started to develop cities and countries. However, development is benefit our live. We should not stop developing,but we need to take actions to manage our environment to meet the needs of development.
        In my opinion, Urbanisation is one of the big problem to our envrionment. Thirty years ago, we could see green colour blanket most of our earth from the picture taken by a satellite. But now there is grey colour instead of green. People destroy natural envrionment to get what they needs which called development. However, nowadays people realised the environment is as important as development. How to control and change the situation is urgent to us. 
        Firstly, I suggest that we can plant plants in the roof of the buiding which can save place, good for our envrionment and also decorate our cities and countries.
        Secondly,  Prevent the soil pollution by using less chemical fertilizer.
        Thirdly, Government should make strict laws prohibit people illegally cutting and saling trees.
        Fourthly, using clean energy for reducing the pollution given out to the environment. such as , nuclear energy.
        Fifthly, using green meterial to buid houses and buildings.

         The five points above is my personally opinion to pursue envrionment friendly in this developing sociaty.

